Monday, June 8, 2009

Pictures from Day 2


  1. It looks like fun and games, but it looks to be a little on the warm side? Just kiddings, I'm sure it's quite hot there. Kevin's lookin' pretty sharp in those make shift shorts. Ha! Ha! You guys look like you're making friends and sharing the gospel! Praise the Lord ! Love, Love, Love the pictues! Please keep them coming. And I hope you all have given Paige her 18 "Happy Birthday" swats on the bottom. :) Love you Paige. Just thought they could do it since Kala and I can't. Paige give your Mom a hug for me. You are all such an inspiration to us. Keep up the good work. I gotta know if Jake has found a spider yet?
    and remember Acts 2:42, well I think you have all broken the code and are acting Faithfully!
    Love You Guys,
    Diane & Kala
    Love and Prayers

  2. ps. feliz cumpleanos paige :)
