Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ministry by a Dump

We covered some new territory in Day 4. It has really been one of the best days since we’ve been here, and definitely one of the most challenging days. In the morning we went to a different area than we had been to before. It was the dump. And as in many poor countries there is a whole community living on the edge of the dump. That was our focus for ministry. We tried to expand our strategy this morning as well which made things more interesting.

We started by just walking through the dump, which was a challenge in and of itself. Then we walked down this like 50 foot cliff and jumped over a river to get to the community. Once there, we (us and the group from Colorado) split into 3 teams. One team made peanut butter sandwiches to give away and focused on using soccer and the sandwiches to reach out to the people. Drew was on that team. They ended up playing soccer with several teenage guys who were likely a part of the local gangs (not dangerous gangs...but sometimes cause trouble and definitely not Christians). They gave away sandwiches and water at the end and struck up some conversations about Jesus.

The second team focused specifically on reaching out to little girls...primarily through painting nails and manicure-ish stuff. Paige and Donna were on that team. Paige became renowned for her finger nail painting skills! The goal was to paint nails and then through a translator just strike up a relaxed conversation with them...then maybe to talk about Jesus if God led it that way...but mostly just to love on them and build relationships with them. Lots of girls came, lots of nails were painted, and from what I hear God really used it!

The third team was the team I led. Our goal was to walk around the community and pray for people and specifically to pray for their needs. Jake and Kevin were with me along with two Colorado guys. We had some significant encounters; many very heart wrenching. Kevin prayed for a 3 year old boy who still couldn’t walk because of something that happened at Childbirth. I prayed for another young boy with a cyst who couldn’t get treatment. Jake prayed with a few lady specifically who hadn’t gone to church in a while who we felt God wanted to reach out to. Almost everyone we prayed for invited us into their homes, and we were in some of the worst living conditions I personally have ever seen.

After lunch we went to our Wednesday church service. Jake shared his testimony and did a great job. He’s got some serious natural abilities when it comes to public speaking, and he was quite humorous.

In the evening we worshiped as a group again and Drew and Paige shared their testimonies with everyone. They both did great. Drew was hesitant to share hers but everyone was openly telling her how amazing her story is and that she really needs to share it more.

One of the things that God lead me to pray for this morning was for us to develop deeper compassion for the people of Nicaragua, and I really believe that’s what today was about. It was eye opening in a lot of ways. But most of all how humbling is it to realize that a group of people living literally in a pile of garbage are just as treasured to God as anyone else in the world. He wants them to know His love, he wants to heal them, and he wants to reclaim the relationship he has always desired to have with them. What a privilege to pray for healing and show Christ’s love to these people. The privilege was really ours today. I wish everyone could experience ministry in this setting.

“How deep the father’s love for THEM. How vast beyond all measure. That He would send His only Son, to make a wretch his treasure. How great the pain of searing loss. The father turns his face away. As wounds which mare the Chosen One, bring many sons to glory.”


  1. You have once again lived out the definition of Acts 2:42 "They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer." Sharing your testimonies is no easy task, but you all did it, making peanut butter sandwiches and sharing them, painting nails and touching their hearts with joy and love, and praying for those you meet and are still meeting. What an amazing day you've all had. The angels in heaven must be rejoicing, jumping up and down saying "way to go impact team. You are truly making a difference"
    Well, that's how we picture it anyway.
    We are so moved by you stories and share them with the people we see here at home. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep it up and we continue to pray for God's leading and Blessings to be upon you all.
    Love you!!!!!
    Diane & Kala

  2. God is so very good! We will keep praying for your safety and that you can continue to touch peoples lives. Keep up the good work! We will see you when we get back and then you can repeat all your stories to us. :)

    The Christner's
