Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Day of the Spider

Day 3 has come and gone. Still 5 days left in Nicaragua. Everything is still going great, and we’re really building some deep relationships with each other and with those we are ministering to in Nicaragua. We started this morning by serving the local ministry we have been helping out with. We went to a place called “La Quinta” (Keen -ta) which could be best described as half orphanage half ministry and life training. They teach several skills including English, minister to the community, and they take in less fortunate kids. We didn’t do anything major there this morning. They are trying to build wooden platforms that could function as a stage for their different outreach events, so most of us from NLF helped sand those and make the top surface smooth. Others also helped some of the students with their English homework and they are starting to build another building where they can house girls so we helped dig the foundation for that.

Toward the beginning of the morning we found a huge spider with huge fangs (kinda hairy like a tarantula...maybe 4 or 5 inches in diameter). Then there were spiders all over the wooden platforms we were sanding. So of course we had some fun with Jake (if you didn’t know, Jake is DEATHLY afraid of spiders). Up to this point Jake kept saying God was keeping the spiders away (we literally hadn’t seen ONE spider before today). Don’t worry Janet/Scott, he is not scarred for life and is doing just fine. Donna would like you to know that she tried to protect Jake from us. haha But today was officially dubbed the day of the Spider!

In the afternoon we went deeper into the country side to play with some kids in an area where they are trying to build a church. We definitely had fun and got to love on more kids who really needed it. But it was fairly similar to last night. I posted a video below with a little of that. I don’t think I’ll be posting more videos since it took me like an hour to upload it.

My highlight for the day was definitely our worship time tonight. Each evening we (us and the group form Colorado) have been going up on the roof of the hotel and worshiping and sharing together. Tonight we shared testimonies. I was deeply touched by many of the stories that were shared. I almost balled my eyes out during Donna’s testimony. Powerful stuff. It never ceases to amaze me that even in a country (and a town) where we’d like to think we’ve got it all together our lives can still be so messed up. So full of pain. So on the edge of utter despair. And in hearing these stories I realize we’re not that different at all from those in Nicaragua. We’re all SO in need of a Savior.

“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24- 25)

I’m praying that God will do even greater things through us in the coming days, but most of all that God will draw us closer to him than we have ever been. Will you join me?


  1. We will join you! Our prayers will be for yor continued outreach and that God will draw you all closer to Him. Amen! Sorry to hear about Spider day Jake, I know you're a trooper and you made it through. Coodos to Donna for trying to be your protector. Good job sis! Being the MOM of the group is a full time job I bet :) Just keep sharing with each other and with your new friends and God will continue to Bless You and those around you. God's Blessings, Mercies and Guidance be with you.
    Love you Guys and Praying for you,
    Diane & Kala

  2. hilarious....tell Jake I'm proud of him that he didn't hop on a plane back to the States. :) I'm still praying for you team! "Do not put out the Spirit's fire!" -1 Thessalonians 5:19

  3. We so enjoy the pictures, looks like the kids really are enjoying having you there. We pray God's blessings for each one of you.
    Miss you Donna & Paige, look forward to hearing all about your time there.
    God bless you all. grandma & grandpa
    (Willis & Vera Bontrager)

  4. I just read the post to Whitney and she, too, is deathly afraid of spiders. She said "I would not be happy if that would happen to me." As crazy as she is, spiders put an end to her craziness real quickly! I love hearing about your trip....Thanks for the update. Keep spreading the Word!!!!! Jaynee
