Sunday, June 7, 2009

Not About Me

We had a great first day today! We’re really settling in to this new environment, and I was encouraged by the fact that everyone from our team really dove in tonight. We played soccer and other games with the kids, and started to build some significant relationships. I could tell this morning that most of us were still trying to work through the culture shock and wrap their minds around this new place. But by the end of the day I think God has moved into a great position to be able to be used by him throughout the rest of the trip. We finished up early and all of us should get plenty of sleep. Big things in store for tomorrow!

One of our students made a comment tonight that I thought was pretty significant. Drew shared that one of her fears was that she would come here and be grossed out by the less than sanitary environment. But now that she’s here and sees how the people live her heart goes out to them. Her exact words were, “Instead of feeling bad for me, I feel bad for them.” I heard that and was really moved, because to me it characterizes a major change that God wants to make in all of our hearts. Simply put, he wants to move us from living for ourselves to living for Him (II Cor. 5:15). This is what we see Jesus talking about in Luke 9:23, and Paul talking about in Romans 12:1 and Galatians 2:20 (all verses we memorized as a team in preparation for this trip). I hope each of us can discover more fully how incredible things can be when we leave behind our “me” centered lives.


  1. It sounds like you've had a very defining day! God is faithful and will see you through your many challenges to come. We are so glad for the pictures!! keep them coming! It is fun to be able to see this Great NLF team already making new friends and sharing God's love. You are all amazing, courageous disciples and we know you will do amazing things! About Donna having every know medicine I believe that is her everyday bag. Ha! Ha! And Paige Marie we want to wish you a very "Happy 18th Birthday". Hope you have a great one. Looks like you're having fun and stepping outside your comfort zones. Keep up the good work.
    I am claiming Philippians 4:13 for all of you today and for the rest of the trip. This is my life verse and it renews me daily.
    Love and Prayers,
    Diane & Kala

  2. Happy Birthday Paige! I believe everyone should get the chance to have the experience that your group is having right now. It really makes you see how self centered we live our lives and how truely lucky we are. We will keep praying! And someone really needs to find a big spider for Jake! :)


  3. looks like a fun fiesta! glad to hear of the breakthroughs that are happening already. still praying for you! :)

  4. Happy Birthday PAIGE!! I am praying for you all!


  5. Hope you had a GREAT birthday Paige Marie! I'm sure you'll never forget it! Jake and Kevin better be nice to you on your birthday. If they're not, just let me know! I got ya covered!! :) Love ya!
